cultural festival

Walking up the stairs with butterflies in my stomach.Getting squashed in the back between everyone and waiting for the show to start.Then we hear… give it up for Wesley Primary School!! I closed my eyes and took a big breath in and out.


Then we started kapa haka first. I was in that group, we started off with our first song and we tried our best! We did our two songs and everyone was clapping at us. I was so proud of myself for trying my best and being confident.


                The end. 


The Amazing Race.

”I can’t fine Mel, I wondar where she can be? ”I said to rosey, ”I dont know” said Rosey. ”Well lets go then,” said Seini. ”Ok,” I said, ” but don’t you think looking around the whole school will take to long?” ”True” said Seini, ”Well let’s go and ask a group. NO because if Mel is hiding I don’t thik she will  want anyone to know.”Ok then,” said Seini. ”Well we were looking around, I got thirsty so I went to the water fountain and I saw Mel hiding behid to big chairs and she told me to come and she put a blue dot on my hand and said don’t tell anyone I’m here.


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